Chapter 1. Icetop Database API

Table of Contents

Language Connectors
Generic PUT - Writing Data
Generic GET - Reading Data
GET in Python- Reading Data
PUT in Python - Writing Data
Get in Dart and Flutter- Reading Data
Put in Dart and Flutter - Writing Data

You can use any Icetop Database URL as a REST endpoint. All you need to do is append file extension like .json .xml etc to the end of the URL and send a request from your favorite HTTPS client.

Language Connectors

New!! - try our new cool cloud based variable (iput and iget) usage tool [Windows] [macOS] [linux]

Icetop provides several connectors for easy enough integration in your app providing put and get functions in these environments:-

  • Generic using curl for Terminal environments

  • Python

  • Dart and Flutter

Generic PUT - Writing Data

You can write data with a PUT request. Two variables proj and suburl are important which specify the projectname and the endponit name under which the data is filed.

curl -X PUT -d "{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}" ""

A successful request is indicated by a 200 OK HTTP status code. The response contains the data specified in the PUT request.

{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}

Note:- To update the data redo the PUT request containing updated data. Data from the preceeding calls will still remain in database for record. You can also PUT data manually using an html form here

Generic GET - Reading Data

You can read data with a simple GET request.

curl ""

A successful request is indicated by a 200 OK HTTP status code. The response contains the data obtained from database.
{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}
Note:- The data spitted is from the latest PUT request.

GET in Python- Reading Data

To setup usage in python download python ccript file and place it in your project folder. You can also get it as under by executing the following command in your project directory:-

   curl -o ""

You can read data with a simple get function call.

 import icetop

icetop.proj = 'MyProject'
icetop.server = ''  # only override if required, the default is set as


A successful request is indicated by a 200 OK HTTP status code. The response contains the data obtained from database.
{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}
Note:- The data spitted is from the latest icetop.put(..) call.

PUT in Python - Writing Data

You can put data with a Put(..) call. Two static variables proj is important which specify the projectname under which the data is filed.

import icetop

icetop.proj = 'MyProject'
icetop.put('/users/jack/name.json','{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}')
res = icetop.get('/users/jack/name.json')

A successful call is indicated by a echo of same data. The response contains the data specified in the put call.

{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}

Note:- To update the data redo the PUT request containing updated data. Data from the preceeding calls will still remain in database for record. You can also PUT data manually using manual.php

Get in Dart and Flutter- Reading Data

To setup in dart download dart source file icetop.dart and place it in your project folder. You can also get it as under by executing the following command in your project directory:-

   curl -o icetop.dart ""

You can read data with a simple Get function call.

import 'icetop.dart';

IceTop.proj = 'MyProject';
IceTop.server = '';  # only override if required, the default is set as

String resp = IceTop().Get('/users/jack/name.json');

A successful request is indicated by a response containing data obtained from database.
{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}
Note:- The data spitted is from the latest IceTop().Put(..) call.

Put in Dart and Flutter - Writing Data

You can put data with a Put(..) call. The static variable proj is important to specify the projectname under which the data is filed.

import 'icetop.dart';

IceTop.proj = 'MyProject';
IceTop.server = '';  # only override if required, the default is set as

String resp = IceTop().Put('/users/jack/name.json','{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}');

A successful call is indicated by a echo of same data. The response contains the data specified in the put call.

{ 'first': 'Chris', 'last': 'Jack'}

Note for Flutter usage:- Add the dependecy http: ^0.13.5 in your pubspec.yaml file.